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front view of completed guitar pedal circuit board

Taxi '23 - FV1 Modulation (Delay, Reverb, Dispatcher)

The Taxi  is a FV-1 based modulation kit.

You've three choices here, Delay, Reverb or Dispatcher which is reverb and delay in one!


Its a really lush digital effect with three controls which set the effected options, simply named CTRL1, 2, 3. This approach allows the user to name them as they wish. There is also mix pot. Therefore the Taxi  is a very versatile, impressive DIY project. 


Check out how it sounds!


The delay option has two programmes on the chip both of which are pretty cool.


The reverb option has three programmes on the chip, modulated, shimmer and spring.


Demo here

and another

Demo Here


These two options are really very beautiful effects.


The Taxi Dispatcher kit is ideal for creating endless ambience, which doesnt become distorted. It can be in your face or subtle by using the mix pot to blend it in with your clean signal. It can cover long delay times or short slapback.  The reverb and delay can be used alone, simply by turning one to zero and using the other although this thing really comes to life when both are used together to create layers of ambience. 


Theres a 5 min video clip of me using the dispatcher, starting with the basic controls through to all out trippy at the end. (its in the pictures above)


Theres also a customers clip here


There are two toggle switches on each version now. One is a 3 position which is further explained within the PDF. The second allows you to choose to access 3 of the internal FV1 controls, so yes - not only can you use the programme, you can now access 3 more modulation effects within the chip! 


There are two different difficulty levels, if you have experience soldering surface mount parts then this kit is fairly straight forwards. If you dont then the FV1 chip is a challenge. If you are taking on the soldering challenge yourself then I recommend ordering yourself a very cheap surface mount practice kit from ebay or similar to test yourself with. The FV1 is a very expensive part itself, so you do not want to practice on it.


You can add pre-soldering of the FV1 to your kit here, only available when shown as in stock though! Soldered, tested and certified by our resident JP expert.


Other than soldering the FV1 this kit is a through hole project, and it really isnt very difficult.


The FV1 and EEPROM work together, the EEPROM contains the individual programmes that the FV1 reads. So both are required to enable this project to work. Therefore the minimum option to choose is the PCB, EEPROM and FV1 option, should you not have any.


When complete, the project is everything you could wish for in a top quality delay/reverb pedal. It provides excellent ambience. Its feature packed, versatile and enhances whatever you feed into it and adds various different tonal flavours to your mix. 


The board is spaced for PCB mounted toggles and pots. It fits in one of our JP125B cases.



Pre Built Kits have a 1 to 4 week build time. 

Jeds Peds logo: Bearded Man with a soldering iron
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