Super Sonic Bass Fuzz
This is part of our One Knob Fuzz range, all built on our lovely little Multi Fuzz PCB. Its a modified Meat Head with huge input and output caps allowing a lot of bass into the mix! I know its called a 'Bass Fuzz' but it works brilliantly on guitar too.
This range of kits was put together with the beginners in mind, but to be fair looking at whats on them the kits may be easy but they will meet the fuzzy needs of most pedal boards!
Think Meatshed with uprated in and out caps, like super massive big ones!
The PCB hangs from the pot inside the enclosure.
This kit is supplied with a JP1590B enclosure.
This kit compares to the DAM Meathead, although is slightly modified to suit bass guitar.
There is no endorsement or approval from any manufacturer and this information is for comparison only.