Muff Fuzz
The classic EHX designed Muff Fuzz from the 1960's. It doesn't sound much like a big muff to be honest, its a much lower gain effect giving out lovely low/medium gain tones.
The PCB hangs from the pot inside the enclosure, so its nice and secure in there. The PCB is nice and small.
This kit is supplied with a JP1590B enclosure. The one knobbed version. This is a beginner level build it features our DIY friendly layout and board design, detailed PDF build guide, top quality parts and the availability of our leading build support forum! The board is designed for ‘right angled’ pots. All this combines to give you a great chance of success.
This kit compares to the Muff Fuzz by EHX.
There is no endorsement or approval from any manufacturer and this information is for comparison only.