Bald Spot
This is based on a pedal that was pink, a lovely shade of pink, and made by Catalinbread. The Bald Spot Fuzz is a 60's fuzz circuit on steroids. Despite having two knobs it is very versatile. The Texture control changes this fuzz from harsh heavy sounds through to smooth lead tones. I believe the base circuit in use here is the 'Fuzz Rite' from the 60's.
This kit is not hard. Its a nice step up from a beginner kit. 4/10 hard!
The PCB has spots for the 2 pots to mount directly to it, securing the PCB inside the enclosure.
This kit is supplied with a JP1590B enclosure. Forum patter suggests this one sounds well on bass too!
This kit compares to the Catalinbread Merkin Fuzz.
There is no endorsement or approval from any manufacturer and this information is for comparison only.